
The following are projects that I-Participate is running as a host or has a key role. 

Adventure of a lifetime
An Erasmus+ Youth program, about the Syrian Civil War and its repercussions for Syrian citizens and european societies through immigration.
Plan, Prepare, Do It! 
An Erasmus+ Youth program about youth unemployment in EU and the importance of soft skills.
Active Youth Participation
An Erasmus+ Youth program about active youth participation and how to empower young people to participate in a functioning democracy.
An Erasmus+ Youth exchange on the thematic of active citizenship of young people in terms of environmental protection, volunteering and active participation in their community.
From M.E. to E.U.
This project aims to provide space and opportunities for European citizens and migrants’ communities to work together in order to build up and share a new idea of a multicultural Europe.
Active Youth Challenge
This project is an 8-day Youth Exchange that aims to develop ideas on how to activate young people and especially NEETs on local, online and EU level and magnify their impact and level of participation in their community.
ToDAY: Developing digitAl Youth work
This is a project that aims to promote quality youth work through supporting open and innovative practices and by helping youth workers understand digital youth work and develop their capacity on digital youth work.
Step Out
This project focuses on developing individual skills, challenging comfort zone and discovering individual talents.
Be Social!
This project is a youth exchange aiming to create awareness about social enterprises and support young people in order to appreciate the role of social entrepreneurship.
Culture Crossover
 ‘Culture Crossover’ aims to increase interest in the development of intercultural competences of youth workers and young people themselves, including youth with
migration background, by developing a board/card game, completed by App and manual for intercultural communication workshops.
Building Better
Its main aim is to reinforce cross-sectoral cooperation with a focus on creativity and cultural awareness and social participation of youth and support youth workers, artists, and policymakers to find creative and innovative solutions to the new challenges that the pandemic has brought and improve the quality of support systems for youth on a local, national and European level.